Saturday, May 1, 2010


So the time has come again! Every 6 mnths or so I get this strange feeling. It's a feeling that just wont go away! what is it?? I want to chop off my hair! yes. chop it all off. Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic but sometimes my hair gets so...dead feeling and I want something new, bouncy, and voluminous. Above is a picture of my hair now.....dreadful. sorry for the weird "I'm staring into your soul" feeling. Not really sure why i was looking like that. Anyways, I spend agonizing housrs (actually probably minutes but hours sound more dramatic) on the computer studying the latest hair trends and what celebrities are doing with their hair and just what I think is cute and get..well...nowhere actually. SO...should I get my hair cut?? that is the big question. I've narrowed it down...sort of....
This picture is just for fun. i found it randomly searching and it actually is pretty hilarious to me. anyway...

So I really like the pixie cut. I have always liked it because it is so forward yet elegant at the same time! But sadly I feel that once I get it I would regret it! but it is SO CUTE!! but do you have to be a movie star to pull this off? would a lowly person like me even have a chance? what do you think???

Then on the totally opposite end of the spectrum there is the long and flowy haircut. It is elegant and so bouncy and classic. I love it but I think maybe I like more the IDEA of it then the actual cut....but it's pretty, no??

1 comment:

Danae said...

I need a hair cut too. You should choose a cute one for me, while you are at it! :o)